Six steps to Carbon Footprinting

Companies and consumers are talking about carbon footprinting but what does a carbon footprint mean? What kind of aspects you have to take into consideration and what are the benefits? How does organizational and product carbon footprint differ from each other?

This webinar gives you an understanding of the six steps to complete a carbon footprint calculation and utilizes the results to mitigate the climate impact of your company.

The speaker is Elli Latva-Hakuni, who worked as a carbon footprint analyst at Green Carbon. She worked with corporate clients providing organizational, product and wider value chain carbon footprinting and carbon neutrality plans.

Watch the recording here:

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Liittymällä listallemme pidämme sinut ajan tasalla tekemästämme työstä, sekä ilmastoon ja luonnon monimuotoisuuteen liittyvistä uutisista ja ajankohtaisista aiheista.

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